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Generative Encounters: Developing Writing Groups

The Hundreds Reading Writing Group
Thursday 8 December 2022, 15:00 to 16:30

Join us to reflect on your experimental academic writing and explore out the kinds of discussion you'd like to create around your work.

Following an event held in September – Generative Encounters: Routes into experimental academic writing – this workshop is aimed at anyone who’d like the chance to think about their writing and consider the kinds of discussion and dialogue they’d like to create around their work.

While we are beginning with some already established interests (in experimental academic writing, particular interests in working with form and content, poetics, affect and much more) we invite you to extend this and join us.

Through a series of writing exercises and discussions you’ll explore:

• What’s happening in your writing now? What are the challenges? Where is the excitement?

• What might you want from a group? What types of activity and interaction might be useful?

• How might you frame an invitation/call to meet others with shared interests? What language might you use? Which authors might you reference to catalyse interest?

By the end of the workshop, we envision that distinct self-organised groups based on interests, energies and focus will cohere.

Booking information

The event will take place online.

Book your place via Eventbrite.

Contact for more information.


The paving’s depths. The cracks intersecting. Life emerging. Under and between and through the paving, the world. Photo by Helen Graham.