Programme of events
25 February 2021, 2pm
Exploring the social in flooding
Speakers: Franz Krause (University of Cologne); Seb O’Connor (University of Leeds)
4 March 2021, 2pm
Addressing the plural intersections of flood research
Speakers: Amitansghu Acharya (University of Edinburgh); Juliet de Little (University of Sheffield)
11 March 2021, 1.30pm
Approaching the science of flooding
Speakers: Gemma Curto (University of Sheffield); Alex Jardine (University of York)
18 March 2021, 2pm
Mapping workshop; tensions, synergies and future directions
Participatory event
All events will take place online. Further details about each one, including booking information, can be found by following the links above.
After each talk there will be a chance for a Q & A before a final open participatory discussion that will aim to draw out some of the tensions and overlaps in ideas that have been discussed.
For more information about the series, please email Seb O'Connor or Alex Jardine.